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pierre semi-précieuse, cristaux améthyste. lithothérapie, vertus, bienfaits.

Virtues of stones
benefits of stones

The benefits of lithotherapy

A true ancestral discipline, lithotherapy has been present in many cultures for hundreds of years. Indeed, the latter has its origins in the Middle Ages and has never stopped evolving through the generations. However, despite its age, lithotherapy is still at the heart of numerous controversies regarding its effectiveness.


Moreover, science and new technologies have only increased its unpopularity, despite the many benefits it claims to bring. However, what is it really about? And above all, is the use of lithotherapy more effective than conventional medicine?

What is lithotherapy?

Before knowing more about its virtues, it is important to know what lithotherapy consists of. Thus, since the dawn of this creation, it has relied on the use of natural stones as part of a natural treatment. In other words, lithotherapy considers that certain minerals have healing powers.

How lithotherapy works is very simple. Simply put the natural stones or minerals in contact with the skin in the form of necklaces, bracelets or any other jewelry. The resonance and vibrations caused by the friction of the latter will then take care of the rest in order to correct any possible dysfunctions present in the body.

What are the virtues known about lithotherapy?

There are different types of minerals used in lithotherapy. Currently, there are more than a hundred of them working for the health and well-being of the people who use it. Generally speaking, stones are known to be effective against:


  • The stress

  • The Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Tiredness

  • Lack of self-esteem

  • Sleep problems

  • Joint pain

  • Emotional problems

  • Mood disorders

  • Hormonal problems

  • Digestive disorders

  • Chronic migraines


This is only a non-exhaustive list of the benefits of natural stones as their effects can be different depending on the person.

However, each of them has its own powers and its own virtues. For example, labradorite is known to fight against bad waves while tourmaline is a protective barrier against magnetic waves.

Can lithotherapy replace medical treatment?

To date, no study has been able to demonstrate whether lithotherapy is really effective or not. Indeed, scientists can neither confirm nor refute the presence of healing energy in the natural stones used for this purpose.

List of stones

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